Privacy Policy

FS Essentials always ensures that the privacy of its customers and all concerned is always protected. manages and operates this website, hence this privacy policy governs your use of FSESSENTIALS website. Our privacy policy outlines what includes in personal information; how this information is being used; who manages and has access to your data, and your rights concerning the information collected. Using your access for usage of FSESSENTIALS website comprises of your acceptance of FSESSENTIALS Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

FSESSENTIALS takes full responsibility of your provided data including name, address, email id, contact no and date of birth when you create your personal profile or subscribe to our newsletter.

This information is used that is collected from you to fulfill our dedicated commitments to you and deliver excellent services that you have expectations of. Sending you offers and marketing information is included as part of our service to you. In order to serve you better and to provide you better offers, we may use your data for analysis. FSESSENTIALS will only retain your data as long as it is necessary to conduct our services to you or as long as it is required by law. After that we will delete all of your personal data.

FSESSENTIALS looks forward to data security of its customers and this is why FSESSENTIALS may only share your personal data with third party or partners of FSESSENTIALS who are authorized by FSESSENTIALS to conduct trusted transactions on its behalf. All third parties and trusted companies perform services on behalf of FSESSENTIALS under the legal contractual agreement that is bind towards your protection of your data and that cannot be shared. FSESSENTIALS does not sell information to any recognized, unrecognized or affiliated or unaffiliated third party.

All your information that is kept by FSESSENTIALS can be requested by you as it is your right. We will also assist you to update your data that is either incorrect, or incomplete or irrelevant.

When a user visits FSESSENTIALS website for once or consistently visits it, a small file is created in their computing device. This file is used to simplify and enhance user experience during their visits. FSESSENTIALS does not store your personal information from these cookies and neither does it disclose your information to third party. There are two types of cookies: permanent and temporary (session cookies). Permanent cookies are stored as a file on your computer or mobile device for no longer than 12 months. Session cookies are stored temporarily and disappear when you close your browser session.
We use permanent cookies to store your choice of start page and to store your details. We use session cookies when you use the product filtration function and to check if you are logged in. You can easily erase cookies from your computer or mobile device using your browser.

We use third-party cookies to collect statistics in aggregate form in analysis tools such as Google Analytics and Core Metrics. The cookies used are both permanent and temporary cookies (session cookies). The permanent cookies are stored on your computer or mobile device for no longer than 24 months.

We accept Online Payment(Credit/Debit) along with Cash on Delivery.